
Saskaņā ar 2021. gada 3. jūnija likumu "Grozījumi Augstskolu likumā" (pieejams šeit), kas stājies spēkā ar 2021. gada 23. jūniju.

Jaunu akreditācijas lapu izsniegšana nav nepieciešama, jo termiņi ir noteikti minētajā likumā:
- studiju virzienus "Mākslas", "Reliģija un teoloģija", "Vēsture un filozofija", "Ģeogrāfijas un zemes zinātnes", "Dzīvās dabas zinātnes", "Ķīmija, ķīmijas tehnoloģijas un biotehnoloģija", "Fizika, materiālzinātne, matemātika un statistika" un "Informācijas tehnoloģija, datortehnika, elektronika, telekomunikācijas, datorvadība un datorzinātne" akreditē līdz 2023. gada 31. decembrim. Minēto studiju virzienu akreditācijas termiņš tiek pagarināts līdz brīdim, kad tiek pieņemts lēmums par studiju virziena akreditāciju vai lēmums par atteikumu akreditēt studiju virzienu, bet ne ilgāk kā līdz 2023. gada 31. decembrim;

Basic information
Study programme
Higher Education InstitutionDaugavpils University
Study fieldChemistry, Chemistry Technologies, and Biotechnology
All data
Code of the study programme in accordance with the Latvian Education Classification45440
EQF/LQF Level7
Study Programme TypeAkadēmiskā izglītība (maģistra grāds), īstenojama pēc bakalaura vai profesionālā bakalaura grāda ieguves. Studiju ilgums pilna laika studijās viens–divi gadi. Kopējais pilna laika studiju ilgums vismaz pieci gadi
Study programme (short name)Academic master study programme
Thematic group
ISCED code
Credit points80
Degree to be acquiredMaster of Natural Sciences in Chemistry with specialization in environmental chemistry or in practical bioanalytics
Qualification to be obtained
Study type and formFull time studies
Study lenght
Licence information
Licence number04041-92
Licence date19.06.2015
Licenced till
Accreditation information
Accreditation page number
Accreditation date03.07.2013
Accreditation duration (in years)6
Accreditation till02.07.2019
Aim of the study programme is to provide knowledge, skills and competences in compliance with the defined by Latvian education classification knowledge, skills and competences of incorporated structures of 7th level, to provide the matriculated at Daugavpils University students with a qualitative, complying with state needs education;
– to ensure an opportunity to obtain theoretical and practical knowledge;
– to improve skills and abilities of research work and give an opportunity to successfully continue studies at doctoral level.
Successfully realizing the programme, it is foreseen to prepare competitive on international level specialists with exhaustive and topical knowledge;
– being able to independently plan and implement their research, and competent for working in enterprises, institutions and other fields.
History of study programme